RapidSpell Desktop .NET Release Notes

General Upgrade Notes: As you move from one version to the next it is likely that your licenses.licx file becomes incompatible with the current version. The simplest way to fix this is to edit the licenses.licx file and on each line related to our controls, remove the text after the assembly name, eg.

Keyoti.RapidSpell.RapidSpellChecker, Keyoti.RapidSpell.NET4, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=58d9fd2e9ec4dc0e
can be changed to
Keyoti.RapidSpell.RapidSpellChecker, Keyoti.RapidSpell.NET4

which will allow the licenses.licx file to be used with any version.


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


Backwards Compatibility


This release is skipping some version numbers due to the magnitude of the change for our TX Text Control users.

Backwards Compatibility Issues For TX Text Control Users
As a result of unsolvable issues with the underlining mechanism used in prior versions we have adopted a new painting technique, which solves these issues but does introduce it's own differences/compromises (which we feel are greatly out weighed by the improvements). It's suggested that you review the new demo projects and help pages for TX.

Usage differences

End user experience differences


Backwards Compatibility

There are some API changes which are 'breaking', they will prevent some applications being compiled without code changes. Modifications to code should be simple in all cases except that of customized RapidSpellGUI (custom UI).

It's possible that no compiler errors will occur after upgrading.

None of our default DLLs are Authenticode signed, if you need signed versions please download http://keyoti.com/downloads/RSDT.NET-4-0-0-Authenticode_signed_DLLs.zip


Version History


Backwards Compatibility

-Backwards compatible with all v3 - except that Dict File file-names have been changed to a more consistent format. Please update the DictFilePath property of controls that directly access Dict Files from our installation directory.
**Note that if a Dict File cannot be located (wrong path) the DLL dictionary is used by default.

-All of our DLLs are now Authenticode signed.


-July 2007 dictionary update included, adds 40,000 more words and word form variations.
-TX TextControl 14 support added.
-VS 2008 toolbox support and demo projects added.
-Aspose Editor support added.
-TX TextControl support behavior improved.

-Various minor bug fixes


Backwards Compatibility

-The installation directory layout and specifically, the DLL locations, has changed (to include .NET2/3 DLLs). This _may_ cause the references to become broken in your project (depending on how they were referenced). If your reference becomes broken, please re-add the reference to the DLL.

-If your code assigns a ContextMenu to AYTRichTextBox or AYTTextBox you must now assign that ContextMenu to the ContextMenuDefault property in order to have it shown properly when the user requests the ContextMenu away from a spelling error. In previous versions the control copied any design-time assigned ContextMenus and showed them when the user clicked away from a spelling error. However there were reliability issues and because of this, the behavior has changed.

-If your code assigns a ContextMenu to TXTextControl and you use RapidSpellAsYouType to check TXTextcontrol, then you must now assign that the ContextMenu to the TXTextControlAdapter.ContextMenuDefault property only.

-For CLR2 (.NET2), the new .NET2 assembly should be referenced, and in the licenses.licx any line referencing Keyoti.RapidSpell must be changed to "Keyoti.RapidSpell.RapidSpellChecker, Keyoti.RapidSpell.NET2"

-DataGridAYTTextBoxColumn.ShowErrorGlyph property is used to indicate whether a red 'e' is shown in a cell holding a spelling error. This property is now false by default and the new ShowErrorUnderline property is true, indicating that underlines will now be shown.


-Replacement Dictionary DLLs support lower than Full Trust
-(ClickOnce) Other non Full Trust issues ironed out, RapidSpellDialog can be used under Internet security Context
-New .NET2 assembly version included, with ContextMenuStrip and DataGridView support added
-Added ContextMenuDefault property to AYT text boxes to make assigning default context menus easier
-DataGrid noneditmode display improvement (now shows underlines, optional).
-DevExpress support integrated into main DLL and source code provided to make support for DevExpress controls version independent
-Updated demos

-Various minor bug fixes


Backwards Compatibility
-No compatibility issues to 3.5.2.
-Visual Studio 2005 support
-ShowSuggestionsWhenTextIsSelected added to RapidSpellAsYouType, allowing default behavior override
-TX TextControl v12 support (see http://keyoti.com/kb/attachments/RSDT.NET_TX_TextControl_Comprehensive_How_To/article.html)
-Fixed issue with suggestions when IgnoreWordsWithDigits is set false, default value is true.


Backwards Compatibility
-No compatibility issues to 3.5.1.
-Ignore HTML/XML support added to RapidSpellAsYouType
-Fixed issue with suggestions when IgnoreWordsWithDigits is set false, default value is true.


Backwards Compatibility
-No compatibility issues to 3.5.0.
-Support for Infragistics 5.2 added (5.1 and 4.3 still included)
-Fixed issue causing slowdown with very long 'words' (>150 chars)
-Dictionary update including case corrections for i.e. and e.g.
-Fixed issue that could occur when launching the spell checker on multiple text boxes before previous check was complete



Some changes have affected compatibility/expected-behavior between this version and previous versions:

Licensing; with the implementation of a new licensing system, simply swapping old version for new version DLLs will NOT WORK. It is imperative that licensing instructions in the user-guide PDF are followed.

GUI Changes; pressing the Escape key now closes the dialog based spell checker, various keyboard shortcuts "&" are now defined by default for RapidSpellGUI buttons.

-Grids: As-you-type support added for DataGrid, Janus GridEX and Infragistics UltraGrid
-Full support added for Janus EditBox
-Improved suggestions for 2-3 character words
-Additional properties of RapidSpellGUI/Form exposed through RapidSpellDialog for additional convenience
-RapidSpellAsYouType painting in TX TextControl improved
-Work-around used to prevent modal flickering during dispose, modal forms can now be made to not be disposed of automatically, use ModalAutoDispose to set behavior
-RapidSpellAsYouType.AutoCheckAllTextComponentsUnder now looks for nested text components
-Added AllowAnyCase property
-"Smart apostrophes" from MS Word are now handled correctly
-IgnoreURLsAndEmailAddresses toggling behavior fixed
-Tab order and default focus in RapidSpellGUI
-Fixed bug with AYTRichTextBox and Apps key firing suggestions context menu


-Enhanced word parser allows sophisticated custom pattern ignoring and built-in URL and email ignoring, please see V2Parser and IgnoreURLsAndEmailAddresses properties and AddIgnorePattern(regex) method.
-In RapidSpellDialog, double clicking on a suggestion now automatically changes the text to that suggestion.
-Portuguese UI texts added, for new Portuguese dictionaries.
-New AutoCheckAllTextComponentsUnder method provides shortcut to as-you-type check all compatible text boxes on the Form.
-Support for new version of Infragistics controls (3.2).
-New property AllowMixedCase sets whether words of mixed case will be reported as errors if they are not in dictionary with matching case.
-Duplicate word errors are now highlighted in a manner consistent with spelling errors. Also fixes highlighting errors related to duplicate words.
-TXTextControl in page view, doesn't scroll properly to make error word visible, this has been fixed.
-When focus leaves the text box, all unchecked words are now spell checked, in RapidSpellAsYouType.


-The RapidSpellAsYouType context menu displayed when the user right clicks on an underlined word can now be shown as part of a custom context menu. See SpellContextMenuRequest event.
-RapidSpellDialog forms can now be closed through RapidSpellDialog.Close() - multi-form applications should listen for Form.Closing event to close RapidSpellDialog object when necessary.
-Customized GUI classes can now be used in RapidSpellDialog, allowing for easier use, especially in multiple text box environments.
-Dictionary updates.
-TXTextControl adapter is now usable with RapidSpellAsYouType in the design environment without needing to code the adapter around the TextControl manually, it can be performed visually.
-Duplicate numbers are no longer reported as an error.
Backwards Compatibility
-No compatibility issues to 3.2.0.


-Dialog icon now settable.
-Minor duplicate word detection fix.
Backwards Compatibility
-No compatibility issues to 3.2.0.


-Spell check now detects duplicate words.
-AYTRichTextBox & AYTTextBox Controls now have optional Cut/Copy/Paste menu.
-TX TextControl support with RapidSpellDialog has been improved with the addition of an 'adapter' control TXTextControlAdapter; integration is now custom code-less.
-Addition of new RapidSpellAYTDialogCoupler control creates cohesive as-you-type and dialog checking.
-QueryTextBoxMultiline property added, so that 'not in dictionary' text box can be set to single line.
-Developer set context menu's are now shown when a user right clicks off a misspelt word.
-ShowSuggestionsContextMenu property added to RapidSpellAsYouType, enabling suggestions to be disabled.
-Dialog box is not shown (by default) if there are no errors.
-Addition of Location property in RapidSpellDialog, for setting dialog location.
-All UI text properties are now set-able.
-Addition of MinimizeBox, TopLevel, MdiParent, Parent and TopMost properties.
-New events for; ignore, change and add actions in RapidSpellDialog and RapidSpellAsYouType.
-New Infragistics UltraTextEditor adapter Control makes integration easy and code-less.
-CheckerEngine property now available in RapidSpellDialog.
-Suggestions now preserve case of mis-spelt word.
-Anything starting with a digit was ignored, now anything containing a digit will be ignored by default unless IgnoreWordsWithDigits = false.
Backwards Compatibility
-Checking is performed (in Dialog) prior to opening dialog, on slow machines this may cause a delay before a message box or the dialog is shown, set AlwaysShowDialog=true for old behavior.
-Customers using TX TextControl and RapidSpellDialog should use the new adapter control TXTextControlAdapter or add a ScrollToCaret method to their interface.


SpellCheckFinished event argument now has 'Cancelled' property, the property is true when the spell check was cancelled (either by clicking cancel or by closing the dialog box).
When running any of the spell checker Controls on systems whose culture is not invariant, or English based, certain words in the dictionary are ignored and reported as misspelled, the top suggestion is shown to be that word.

Compiling projects on systems without TX TextControl would cause a non-critical warning to be produced by the compiler. This has been fixed and TXTextControl dependency (for developers working with that tool) has been moved to a separate DLL (Keyoti.RapidSpell.TXSupport.dll).


As You Type support for TX Text Control, added.
As You Type Fixes
Changing text in a text box using the .Text property could cause the underline to appear in the wrong place


'Add' context menu option in RapidSpellAsYouType is now hidable (use ShowAddMenuOption=false)
As You Type Fixes
Text control resizing - now repaints underlines automatically
Hyphens causing word breaks across lines - underlines now drawn on both lines


Mouse wheel scrolling repaint fix.

Improvements Over v2

As-you-type checking with full in-document highlighting
Smooth multiple text box checking for dialog and as-you-type
Backwards Compatibility
v3 is backwards compatible apart from the following issues;

Namespace in v2 was Com.Keyoti.RapidSpell (Java convention), it is now Keyoti.RapidSpell, this was changed to avoid confusion with COM, which RapidSpell has no connection with.

RapidSpellGUI internal lifetime control has been changed, if you are using RapidSpellGUI and are concerned, please contact support@keyoti.com.

Known Issues

Flickering With As-You-Type; due to the limitations in the .NET implementation of the text box controls it is not possible to rigorously control painting of the text box - double buffering, a common anti-flicker technique is impossible. In tests we have found that the amount of flicker is dependent on the age of the users graphics card. More modern, powerful cards have much less flicker, due to their higher update rates. We will continue to look at ways of minimizing the flicker in the future.